Saturday, June 26, 2004

At The Moment There is no title it might change when i've finished

Hey all

i've just caught up on the blog world and read all my friends recent posts and since looking around the world has seemed not to have changed as i thoght it had but rather my mind has been distracted for the last 6 months and now looking back on it the world seems overall like a rubbish place with wars and death and murderers and the type font algerian (the most discusting font in the world) and Moths and worst of all distrust

so what has enticed these statements you might ask well i'll try and tell you, no i wont sorry i've just had a thought (if you feel really lost don't worry anyone else reading probably is too as this is just pouring into my head and i'm just typing) so instead i will talk no that'sprobably not a good idea either hey i know you guys could do us a f(l)avour if you are reading this just drop us a line tell me who you are and maybe something about you I dont know just for fun either comment after this post or there is a link to my email address in the LINKS section

and in return i'll tell you something about me
well my Name is Chris stewart and i live in Bromley just south of london i like most kinds of music with a slight lean towards rock, My favorite kind of food is mince and tatties (mushed potatoes) i work for a media company making radio shows and the like, i play the piano and the guitar (neither very well) i am growing my hair long on the basis that i prefer the lookand i can't stand having anything artificial in my hair (gel, Wax Dye Anything) except hairbands i can deal with them, i own a car that i can't legally drive yet, i have a small girlfriend called jess she's a true fruitloop 'honey nut loops lets loop together' and i used to work in a graveyard. hmm i'm just thinking through who'll be reading this and trying to think of something that you all don't know (that i can also safely publish on the internet) no i can't think of anything really well anything that wont insult people so i'll move on

we have a paper towel dispenser in our kitchen that dispenses paper towels and i forgot how quickly this thing opens so this morning when putting paper towels in it it broke (oops) sorry dad i didn't mean i am i forgiven. i think that's a real stitch up you know coz people go on kilroy and opera (not the opera) and all these jerry springer type programs and ask if they are forgiven but i think thats really silly coz if i was in the forgivers place i dont think, however i felt, that i could give an completely honest answer or more to the point i feel the answer wouldn't be the same as if i was at home coz you have got 40000 people watching approx. and however strongly you feel about something there will be a point of i don't perticularily want to look like a tit on national TV

anyway i think i've written far too much i've got to go and get ready i'm going out for dinner with some mates as it is a load of people's birthdays and i've only got 2.5 hours to get ready

love to all see ya soon

PS don't forget to contact me cheers

oh i've just remembered that i was going to try and end this with a list of groovy things to counter the ones at the begining but now i can't be bothered really if you want to know the world is truly a great place go and look at a plant but look at it properly you will learn something, or phone a friend you haven't seen and meet up with them or watch you favorite feel good movie (mine's love actually, so there you are something you probably didn't know) or if that all fails just smile in the mirror and think you are who you are because you were meant to be who you are meant to be
love and kisses

1 comment:

Chard said...

Go on then, tell me something about you i dont know :D